
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Joined interest trading company, resulting disaster

Ubqari Magazine - December 2015

Upon this, the officer used very bad language and extremely derogatory remarks about shaving off my beard that my hands cant help writing that sentence. I and the rest of the officers kept listening but nobody dared to reply him.

Hazrat Hakim Sahib, As Salam Alaikum! I pray to Allah Almighty for raising your ranks further, amen. I want to tell that I am working as assistant director in a state department. And Alhamdulillah I perform all my duties with complete honesty and commitment. Spending the entire budget of the department was part of my responsibility. During a department meeting, a high-ranked official enquired me about 1997 record that was lost during shifting, perhaps due to my or the previous officer’s incompetence. He used extremely bad language with almost every officer. When it was my turn, I replied him respectfully that the record dated back to 1997, whereas I was posted in 2009. Upon this, the officer used very bad language and extremely derogatory remarks about shaving off my beard that my hands can’t help writing that sentence. I and the rest of the officers kept listening but nobody dared to reply him. While I went to back to my room after the meeting, I was extremely upset and decided to quit such job where the Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ­) was so badly disrespected. I wrote the LPR and forwarded it, although my fellow officers tried to stop me. I was tremendously upset that no matter if the officer insulted me in the meeting but he disdained the Sunnah of Prophet (ﷺ­). I would not work under such officer at any cost. When my job leaving application was presented to him, he ordered for immediate release. But when my personal file was sent to him for orders, he held it for four days and ordered me to appear in person. On the appointed date, when I met him personally, he asked me about the reason of quitting although he had enquired through alternate resource that I was leaving due to his inappropriate words. But he pretended innocence, neither had he apologized in any way for his words nor did he show any remorse. Finally, I was transferred to an entirely new office. Respected Hakim Sahib! God’s ways work silently. That officer went to market from office in his vehicle. He died there as per Allah’s will and could not get the chance of getting out of the vehicle. He misbehaved wherever he was posted. People still remember him in bad words. (May Allah save us from bad death)

Interest money ruined everything:

Respected Hazrat Hakim Sahib, As Salam Alaikum! My entire family avidly reads the monthly Ubqari magazine and we listen to the Ders with full interest. You told in a Ders that we should pray for our enemies. With Allah’s blessing we have no enemies but there are some relatives with whom we do not enjoy very warm relations. One day while I was travelling, it just came to mind that I started praying for them and also prayed to Allah for forgiveness. After sometime when I reached home, I felt eccentric pleasure as if there was some light and Allah’s name was engraved in my heart with golden color. Since then, I never missed a prayer and inclined towards good deeds. If I had to ask something, I just put my hand on my heart and asked Allah. I used to feel as if I got the answer. I even ask Allah about the quantity of spices while cooking and always get perfect result! I hardly ever cook that’s why I don’t know much about it. A worthless person like me got endowed with Allah’s blessing and found concentration of practices. I was also ordered not to miss any prayer. I was blessed with all this because of praying for those who were not my well wishers. Indeed, if you think good for others, Allah does well for you and if you wish bad for others, you will follow the same fate.

Now I come towards the disastrous effects of interest. With Allah’s grace, my parents are virtuous. My father works in a company. He always provided us everything and fulfilled our desires. Almost three to four years back, my father took loan on interest from his company for constructing house. He built stores underneath and the house on top. But the house is still incomplete. The stores are ready but do not go for rent. There is a strange feeling of misfortune and intense hardship. We never had quarrels in our home but now we keep fighting all the time. Everyone is anxious; we have started missing our practices. I have developed the feeling that all

Interest filled our life with miseries:

Respected Hakim Sahib, As Salam Alaikum! I got good education and did some computer courses. I got married and Allah blessed me with a son. I had a job, I was getting a handsome salary and we were doing well. Then I got an offer from another company with better salary however the company was involved in interest business. But I did not bother about it, left my previous job and joined that company. Right After joining there, I started missing my prayers and then came a time that someone like me who would offer congregational prayers five times a day was not praying at all. I did not even care about offering prayer. And then there was Ramadan when I did not keep even a single fast. I had fights in my home; my parents turned me out. I took a house on rent in some other area shifted there with my wife and children. Things went wrong at work and the company fired me. The condition worsened and I started working as a school teacher for only 3500 hundred rupees. A person getting 40,000 rupees monthly was now forced to work for 3500 only. Now I feel like, the real cause of my disaster was doing job in an interest based company. My disaster started since that interest money came in my home and I am still going through it. 

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